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Tickets on sale now from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wrington-beer-festival-2024-8th-9th-march-2024-tickets-793011176777?aff=oddtdtcreator

Admission policy

The organisers retain the right to refuse entry/service to anyone who appears to be under the age of 18 and to anyone who is drunk and/or causing a disturbance or nuisance

Covid policy

Attendees are asked NOT to attend the beer festival if they have any symptoms of Covid

Where an attendee is unable to attend the event because they have symptoms of Covid (or in order to abide by any Government Covid guidance or legislation in place at the time of the festival) then we will, on request, issue the attendee with a full refund provided this is requested prior to the event taking place. Please note that for tickets purchased through Eventbrite, we are unable to refund the Eventbrite fees element of the ticket price

In the unlikely event that the event is cancelled due to Covid, or other reasons outside of our control, then the beer festival tickets will be valid for the 2025 Beer Festival instead. Alternatively we will provide a refund on request.

Any requests for refunds should be made via Eventbrite in the first instance (for tickets purchased through Eventbrite) or please email info@wringtonbeerfestival.org

General refund policy

If an attendee is unable to attend for any reason other than Covid, then we will issue a refund provided this is requested 24 hours before the start fo the session the ticket has been booked for. Please note that for tickets purchased through Eventbrite, we are unable to refund the Eventbrite fees element of the ticket price.